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Discover the University of Michigan’s extensive array of programs, services and resources dedicated to fostering diversity, equity and inclusion within our university community. This webpage marks the initial stage of our commitment to meet your needs in this vital journey. As we continually progress and expand in our DEI journey, this page will evolve in tandem. If you are aware of any University of Michigan resources not presently showcased here, we encourage you to use our submission form to propose their inclusion on this website. Together, we can make our community even more diverse, inclusive and equitable.

 Equity, Civil Rights and Title IX Office

Serves as a vital resource and leader in promoting and furthering the university’s commitment to diversity and equal opportunity for all members of its community.

Adaptive Technology

Computing and information technology assistance for people with temporary or permanent disabilities.

American Culture Department

Education on the changing meanings of U.S. citizenship and national belonging, including a variety of ethnic studies programs, including Arab and Muslim American studies, Asian/Pacific Islander studies, Latina/o studies, African American studies and Native American studies.

Business & Finance Diversity Committee

Seeks to enhance diversity, equity, and inclusion among its six units – creating a more diverse staff, equitable experience, and more inclusive workplaces, resulting in a positive workplace climate.

Career Center

The Career Center inspires and supports students to transition confidently beyond the University of Michigan by creating a dynamic space to gain clarity through their process of self discovery.

Center for Bioethics and Social Sciences in Medicine

An intellectual gathering place of clinicians, social scientists, bioethicists and all others interested in improving individual and societal health through research, education/outreach and service.

Center for Educational Outreach

Enhances educational outreach at the University of Michigan through the scholarship of engagement toward developing a diverse community of scholars: it supports faculty, staff and student groups in developing and implementing educational outreach programs.

Center for Public Policy in Diverse Societies

The recognition that public policy initiatives must be understood within the context of growing societal diversity. The center builds on intellectual resources from around the university as well as those already present at the Ford School to address relevant programs and interests.

Center for Research on Learning and Teaching (CRLT)

CRLT offers a variety of services and programs for faculty who are interested in pursuing new and innovative approaches to teaching, want to learn more about teaching methods relevant to their courses, or want to consult about ways to improve their teaching and their students’ learning.

Center for Social Solutions

Provides U-M students with practical skills and insights to tackle complex social challenges and catalyze a career in social impact.

Central Student Government

Strives to provide valuable services, programs, and events to students at the University of Michigan. Each subunit of the CSG is tasked with specific purposes. The Student Assembly, within the legislative branch, serves to collectively represent the student voice at the University and to make decisions for the organization in a deliberative manner.


CEW+ navigates circumstantial barriers by providing academic, financial, and professional support to help individuals reach their personal potential. Established to support women through higher education, CEW+ lifts up women and all underserved communities at the University of Michigan and beyond. Through career and education counseling, student funding, workshops, events, and a diverse and welcoming community, CEW+ exists to empower.

Community Scholars: Community-Based Initiative in Detroit

The Community Scholars program engages students with a specialized interest in community change work. Community Scholars follow one of two tracks: Community-Based Initiative (specialized focus on community change in Detroit) or National Community Scholars (specialized focus in national community change placements). Students are welcome to express an interest in both tracks; however, it is only possible to be accepted into one track.

Comprehensive Studies Program

A comprehensive program of academic support for students with outstanding potential for success. The program offers a variety of academic support services, including the Summer Bridge Program, academic year course instruction, advising, tutoring, and freshmen interest groups.

Council for Disability Concerns

Meets monthly to address disability issues affecting the University of Michigan and also members of the community. Members represent a broad cross-section of the university and surrounding area.

Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)

Committed to creating an environment based on our values of multicultural, multi-disciplinary and multi-theoretical practices that offers the diverse student body to access care, receive high quality services and take positive pathways to mental health.

Culture Change Programs and Resources

Organizational Learning provides programs (courses, webinars or other events) and resources that are curated to support institution-wide culture change initiatives. We consider learning a lifelong endeavour and encourage every member of the community to take advantage of the wide array of learning opportunities available. Explore our current list of offerings.

Dance for Mother Earth Powwow

This event provides an opportunity for the U-M community to experience and honor Native American heritage and history.

DEI Training & Education

Organizational Learning coordinates with partners across all three campuses and Michigan Medicine to provide training and skill development opportunities. These opportunities help create a community where people’s differences contribute to further learning and advancements in all fields of study and patient care.

Department of Afroamerican and African Studies

Provides students an opportunity to examine the histories, social organizations, cultures and arts of people of African descent, particularly those of Africa, the United States and the Caribbean.

Detroit Center

Located in Midtown Detroit, the Detroit Center serves as a gateway for University and urban communities to utilize each other’s learning, research and cultural activities.

Edward Ginsberg Center

Cultivates and stewards mutually beneficial partnerships between communities and the University of Michigan in order to advance social change for the public good.

English Language Institute

The ELI provides language, academic, and intercultural instruction that enables all members of the U-M community to achieve their scholarly, instructional, and professional goals.

Environmental Justice Initiative

Through scholarly research, retrieval/dissemination conferences and policy briefings, this initiative strives to find answers to environmental issues.

Expect Respect

An educational initiative aimed at supporting a campus climate in which all persons are treated with civility. Community members from across campus have worked together to strengthen the framework of support services for those who have experienced hate crimes or bias incidents.

Faculty and Staff Counseling and Consultation Office (FASCCO)

Provides support and assistance to university staff and faculty in resolving personal or work related concerns. Through a range of sensitive and innovative services, FASCCO seeks to enhance the emotional health, well-being and job performance of members of the university community.

First Generation College Students

Provides resources, insight and community that helps support first generation college students thrive and succeed in pursuit of a degree.

Global Michigan

Resources for education abroad, travel planning and on-campus opportunities to learn about the wider world.

Global Scholars Program

The Global Scholars Program is a living-learning community for sophomores and above from any school in the university. It is a diverse community with students from more than 30 countries living and studying together and sharing a passion for global social justice.

Human Resources

Provides benefits, resources and technical expertise to attract and retain the world’s most talented individuals.

Human Resources: Talent Acquisition

UHR Services is reimagining how to best serve you when it comes to hiring great people. A big part of this change is to provide functional expertise for the hiring process. To reflect this emphasis, UHR is investing in the development of a new unit called Talent Acquisition.

Institute for Research on Women and Gender

An interdisciplinary unit supporting research on women, gender, and sexuality. IRWG is committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion in research and across our scholarly communities.

International Center

The U-M International Center provides a variety of services to assist international students, scholars, faculty and staff at the University of Michigan, as well as U-M American students seeking opportunities to study, work, or travel abroad.

International Institute

Stimulates research and teaching on critical areas of the world and on international issues that cut across world regions and disciplines. The institute fosters cooperation among the university’s departments, schools, and colleges.

Jean & Samuel Frankel Center for Judaic Studies

Offers students opportunities for in-depth study in Jewish history and culture, including unique courses in Yiddish. The University of Michigan houses the only scholarly program of its kind at a public university in the United States.

LSA Opportunity Hub

The opportunity Hub works with LSA undergraduate students to discover the connection between their liberal arts education and their goals and aspirations. Coaching, courses, internships, connections with alumni and employers, and internship funding are just some of the resources offered.

Maize Pages

Student resource that assists in discovering events happening on campus or near their area.

Michigan Learning Communities

Groups of students and faculty, often from diverse backgrounds, drawn together by shared goals and common intellectual interests.

Michigan Medicine Office of Health Equity and Inclusion

Develops mechanisms for inclusion, diversity and cultural sensitivity among faculty, students and staff at Michigan Medicine.

Michigan News

Michigan News resources, with translation services in Spanish, Mandarin, Hindi, and Portuguese.

MLK Symposium

The Office of Academic Multicultural Initiatives (OAMI) coordinates the University-wide annual Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Symposium — one of the largest celebrations of the life and legacy of MLK (sponsored by colleges and universities in the nation).

Multi-Ethnic Student Affairs (MESA)

Uses the lens of race and ethnicity to engage the campus community and transform the student experience to build inclusive spaces and equitable opportunities for all.

National Center for Institutional Diversity

The National Center for Institutional Diversity (NCID) seeks to strengthen and integrate research about diversity, equity, and inclusion in education and society, while promoting its effective use in addressing contemporary issues.

Office of Academic Multicultural Initiatives (OAMI)

Works collaboratively with campus and external partners to develop strategic programs that provide resources, opportunities and experiences that enrich academic, social, cultural, and personal development at the University of Michigan.

Office of Budget and Planning

Supports the budget preparation and implementation process, and it serves as a key provider of important data reports about the faculty, staff, students and operations of the U-M Ann Arbor campus.

Office of Culture, Community and Equity (OCCE)

OCCE promotes the College of Engineering’s strategic mission, vision and values while fostering a diverse, inclusive and equitable culture and drives a culture of inclusion and equity to further equity-centered engineering, maximizing impact and capacity-building within and beyond the Michigan Engineering community.

Office of New Student Programs

Supports the continuous process of integrating students into the academic, cultural and social aspects of the University of Michigan. The office sponsors a variety of programs to help new students engage in the U-M community.

Office of Recruiting and Employment Services

Develops and maintains the university’s job posting and applicant management systems, related policies and processes, in order to assist departments in the recruitment and retention of an outstanding workforce.

Office of Student Conflict Resolution (OSCR)

Promotes a safe and scholarly community in which students navigate conflict in a peaceful, socially just and self-reflexive manner.

Office of the Ombuds (Faculty)

The Office of the University Faculty Ombuds is a confidential, impartial, informal, and independent resource for information and assistance to faculty members. It helps in resolving academic and administrative problems and disputes through procedures that may be preferable to a formal grievance or judicial proceedings.

Office of the Ombuds (Staff)

The Staff Ombuds Office offers free, confidential, and off-the-record conflict management services to help non-bargained-for UM-Ann Arbor and Michigan Medicine staff resolve issues and promote a civil and positive working environment. The Staff Ombuds Office provides a safe place to voice and clarify concerns, explore options, and find effective ways to respond. If you’re not sure where to turn, the Staff Ombuds Office can be your first contact or your last resort.

Office of the Ombuds (Student)

An office where student questions, complaints and concerns about the functioning of the university can be discussed confidentially in a safe environment. The office offers informal dispute resolution services, provides resources and referrals and helps students consider options available to them.

Organizational Learning

Organizational Learning promotes lifelong learning opportunities for U-M faculty and staff, including strategies for professional and career growth, leadership development and campus culture change initiatives.

Portal en Espanol

The main website fully translated in Spanish.

Poverty Solutions

Poverty Solutions is a university-wide presidential initiative at the University of Michigan that partners with communities and policymakers to find new ways to prevent and alleviate poverty through action-based research.

Program on Intergroup Relations

A social justice education program that blends theory and experiential learning to facilitate student learning regarding social group identity, social inequality and intergroup relations. The program prepares students to live and work in a diverse world and educates them in making choices that advance equity, justice and peace.

Provost’s Faculty Initiatives Program (PFIP)

The Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs provides supplemental resources to help schools and colleges and other academic units to hire and retain faculty with a commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion through scholarship, teaching and/or service; to assist the dual career partners of tenure track and tenured faculty; and to respond to unique opportunities. Funds may be available to help units recruit or retain tenure-track faculty or to develop specific programmatic areas (e.g., cluster hiring).

Public Health Summer Enrichment Program

The vision is to be the premier pipeline program developing diverse leaders in the health care system who are dedicated to eliminating health inequalities.

Rackham Faculty Allies and Student Allies Diversity Grants

The Faculty Allies Diversity Grant provides Faculty Allies with funds to organize and host activities, events, and programming that promote diversity, equity, and inclusion among graduate students within their departments. The purpose of this financial support is to improve DEI at the program level in meaningful ways.

Rackham Graduate School

Seeks to provide intellectual, social, emotional and financial support so that students from groups that are historically underrepresented in higher education or in their fields feel welcome and thrive in their studies.

Rackham Graduate School: Rackham Life

Seeks to provide intellectual, social, emotional and financial support so that students from groups that are historically underrepresented in higher education or in their fields feel welcome and thrive in their studies.gendersocia

Ross Business School Center for Positive Organizations

A world-class research center that brings transformational research to students and leaders through articles, books, events, tools, teaching, and organizational partnerships.

Sexual and Gender-based Misconduct Reporting

If individuals witness or experience conduct that discriminates, stereotypes, excludes, harasses or harms anyone in the U-M community based on their identity (such as race, color, ethnicity, national origin, sex, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, disability, age or religion) please reach out to Sexual and Gender-based Misconduct Reporting at the university.

Sexual Assault Prevention and Awareness Center

SAPAC promotes social change and activism on two levels: through the professional services provided to the University of Michigan community and through student leadership development, wherein students help students as peers.

Spectrum Center

The center humbly works toward enhancing the campus climate and support services for LGBTQ+ students, staff, and faculty at the university through education, advocacy and community building.

Student Advisory Boards

Provides consistent student engagement and service to the implementation leads of each DEI action team. One board represents the interests of undergraduate students and the other the interests of graduate and professional students.

Student Career Services – Ross School of Business

Ross’ high level of international engagement in key countries such as India enables us to provide exceptional student learning experiences, faculty scholarship, executive education, and alumni and corporate outreach.

Student Caregivers

This page is dedicated to the needs of student caregivers at the University of Michigan who juggle parenting, other family care, work, and study.

Student Life

Student Life is here for you; our most basic task is helping students get the most out of their experiences at the university.

Student Life Research

Student Life Research primarily gathers and shares information about University of Michigan students and student life. It serves as a resource for creating assessment tools, collecting data, sharing results, increasing knowledge about U-M students and more.


SuccessConnects is a holistic support program focused on ensuring your academic, personal, and social success at Michigan. SuccessConnects promotes opportunities to excel in the undergraduate experience, ranging from networking and professional development to study skills and study abroad opportunities, while giving students a community of scholars and leaders amongst whom they can thrive.

Summer Research Opportunity Program (SROP)

The University of Michigan Summer Research Opportunity Program (SROP) is designed for outstanding undergraduate students who are underrepresented in their field of study.

Support for Incoming Black Students (SIBS)

A year-long, student-coordinated, peer mentorship program that is open to all first-year students at the University of Michigan (U-M) who are interested in issues that affect the Black community and dedicated to the holistic wellbeing, retention and success of the students in the program.

The Inclusive Campus Collaborative

Fosters a campus climate in which all members of the University of Michigan community feel respected, valued, and empowered to engage in the life of the university. The Inclusive Campus Collaborative works with students, faculty and staff to help build an inclusive culture of belonging. It also provides support in developing and expanding an individual’s knowledge and skills in engaging across differences and serving as effective allies to students and colleagues affected by all forms of bias, racism, and structural inequality.

Trotter Multicultural Center

Trotter is a vibrant hub that welcomes and serves all members of our community from U-M including students, faculty, staff, parents, alumni, community members and other campus visitors. It provides our visitors with a home away from home and a wealth of educational opportunities.

Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program (UROP)

Creates research partnerships between undergraduate students and University of Michigan researchers. All schools and colleges are active participants in UROP, which provides a wealth of interesting research topics for program participants.

Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program (UROP) Research Mentors

UROP Research Mentors are faculty and post-doc researchers who provide undergraduate student researchers an opportunity to engage in research activities that help them learn about the pursuit of knowledge within an academic discipline. This early exposure to research fosters a valuable academic experience for students. Through this collaboration, students gain research skills and mentorship that lead to academic retention, a more positive undergraduate experience and paths to graduate school. Supplementary funding is available to research mentors.

Undocumented Student Support

The University of Michigan welcomes and supports students without regard to their immigration status. We will continue to admit students in a manner consistent with our non-discrimination policy. The University of Michigan is committed to fostering an environment in which each and every student can flourish.

University Outreach Council

Founded in 2008, the University Outreach Council (UOC) brings together U-M faculty and staff from various schools, colleges, and units involved in educational outreach. Through regular meetings, programs, and networking, the UOC shares best practices, provides guidance, and fosters collaboration to enhance educational outreach efforts at U-M.

Veterans and Military-Connected Students

Military-Connected Students bring unique and valuable perspectives to their university experience. As part of the overall university DEI objectives, faculty and staff are able to learn more about military-connected students as a valued and vital component of the campus community. The University recognizes and honors their sacrifices and values their life experiences as they broaden the diversity of our student body.

Voices of the Staff

U-M’s employee engagement program to share ideas and define the campus community issues that matter most to staff. Participants join more than 100 staff members from across all campuses to meet monthly, serving on one of six topic-specific network teams.

Wolverine Pathways

Program staff works in partnership with families, guardians, schools and community representatives in Detroit, Southfield Public and Ypsilanti Community school districts to encourage, guide and prepare students to be successful in middle and high school, college and postgraduate careers.

Women in Science and Engineering

Is designed to increase the number of girls and women pursuing degrees and careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics while fostering their future success. While the Women in Science and Engineering Programs are open to all students, they are designed to encourage and support women and girls.

Women’s and Gender Studies

Seeks to build interdisciplinary collaborations among faculty and students that bridge gender, racial, ethnic, economic and national divides; develop knowledge about women, gender, race, class, sexuality and disability; challenge unequal distributions of power; and improve the lives of all individuals and communities.